4 March 2011

create x 7

So my challenge this week was to do/make something creative everyday. This may sound quite easy to some but I am a busy mother of 4, helping run our business and studying at uni. Add to that all the other things I have/need to do and I see why for me being creative everyday is sometimes a challenge. Especially giving myself permission to do it. There is a pile of laundry there to fold, some dishes to wash, an email to write, a family member to call. And I am tired. ALL OF THE TIME. I am tired of being tired.

Anyway, the reality is I am a mother who desires to create and so I am trying to allow myself a little time each day to do something creative that feeds and nurtures my heart and soul. This process doesn't necessarily involve paper, ink, stamps, paint or fabric everytime. Sometimes it involves creating a mood or ambience with freshly picked flowers or candles. Sometimes it involves creating some delicious choc-chip cookies for afterschool snacks.

To me being creative is about playing, enjoying, experimenting, sharing, loving and so much more.

The following photos are a sample of my creative week.

Was I disppointed that I didn't finish my blue painted canvas? No. Was I disappointed that I didn't complete 8 scrapbook pages, 12 cards, 3 pieces of artwork and 2 books? No no no no. I was satisfied with what I achieved. I was blessed by the few moments I had. I enjoyed being creative and I feel full.