25 February 2011

Creative Opportunities.

Over the past 4 1/2 months I have begun to realise that I desire to create everyday. It may be a card, a scrapbook page, an experiment in my art journal, a canvas, a cushion, a stitchery or something as simple as lighting some candles, cutting some flowers from the garden and decorating the table for dinner. I am discovering that being creative is giving to my soul something that has been missing for quite a while.

The problem with this desire is that it comes with guilt. Thoughts about how selfish it is to waste time doing 'art/craft'. Especially when there are still dishes in the sink to be cleaned or ironing to be done etc.
I am not saying that my responsibilities should come second to being creative. Of course not. What I am saying is that if I wait till everything I have to do is done then I would NEVER get to be creative. Somedays there will be an opportunity to be creative for a few hours. Somedays the opportunity will be 5 minutes here and there. The point is I need to keep an open mind. I won't always be able to get out the paint, or scrapbook 5 pages but I can try and do something creative everyday.


  1. This is such a great idea Joanne. I agree with you about the guilt when crafting, but I think it is important to make the time to do something for yourself... a happy you makes for a happy home. And lets face it, the dishes will always be there!!

  2. Thanks for the encouragement.
