25 June 2011

Life is...

Tonight I have a heavy heart. A friend's marriage has broken up. Another dear friend is moving interstate. These things amongst others are making life just a little bit blah. Just a little less cheery. A little less happy.

I am being reminded daily that life is not always rosy. Not always easy. Not always just how we like it to be. People break up, move away, get sick, die, act unjustly, refuse to be gracious, etc, etc, etc.

I am also being reminded daily to enjoy the small moments. Delight in the unexpected. Take the opportunities when they present. See what is right there. Say yes to the things that deserve a yes and no to those that don't.

And so I endeavour to snuggle with Timothy and Sarah for just a bit longer at bedtime even though sometimes I just want some 'me' time.  I read that extra bedtime story even though it means bedtime will be later. We have 2 marshmallows instead of 1 in our warm milo on a cold afternoon. I sit in the garden and soak up the warm sun while doing study instead of in the office. I ask the visitor who just popped in to stay for a cuppa even though I have a million things to do and really shouldn't sit by idly and chatter.

Life will keep on going whether we are paying attention or not. It will keep churning away even if we are too busy to notice that the pretty little pink flowers in the front garden have never bloomed on that bush before and are delicate and beautiful. Life will push on even if we are busy and hurried and rushed.

Sometimes life is to be endured and something to struggle through. However life can also be savoured, noticed, enjoyed, experienced and explored. Life is to be lived.

Life is............?

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