5 September 2011

Today I am....

Relieved: that my 3000 word essay is done and submitted.

Loving: the chance to be able to spend the whole day doing housework (strange I know).

Marvelling: at the sky and how it changes over the day and into the night.

Content:  with my very old lounge, stains and all. It is comfy and homely and I like that.

Blessed:  to be married to the kindest and most gracious man in the world.

Proud:  of my son who has perservered with school work using his left hand without complaining, whinging or giving up (he has a broken right thumb and he is right handed).

Enjoying: the peace that comes when the kids are sleeping soundly and the only sound is the dishwasher doing what it does best.

Grateful: for friends who care, take an interest and share openly and honestly. Had a conversation with one of these friends this afternoon and it was delightful.