23 November 2011

Today I am.......

Thankful:  for the coolish breeze blowing through my house. It is nice having all the windows open.

Thankful:  that my oldest son has had a wonderful transition into highschool this year. Going into Yr 8 can be tough but he has handled it well and can say he enjoys school.

Thankful:  that this same son has made some good friends this year. He had a sleep over last weekend which gave us the opportunity to meet and get to know these new friends. He has found people who he can be himself around which is wonderful.  The boy we see everyday is the same boy his friends see too. I love that our son found kids who like him for who he is.

Thankful:  for two beautiful women who I am blessed to call friends. Women who know me, love me, nuture me, and encourage me. Women who help me see when I can't see. Women who notice me and take an interest in my life. Women who are mature and wise and who can look past their own issues to see the issues of others.These are rare to find.

Thankful: for the opportunity to sell some of my creative products in a new little shop in my area.

Thankful:  that it is only 12 more days till school holidays. I am so looking forward to spending lazy days with the kids and not feeling rushed or pressured.

Thankful:  for my husband and all he does to nuture and encourage my creative soul. Giving me space to explore this hidden side of me. Also for how hard he works to provide for his family and our needs and wants.

Thankful:  that we are getting a drum kit for Christmas. My kids have asked for a drum kit for 2 years now and we kept putting it off. This year we are ready for the noise. The older boys will begin drumming lessons in the new year and we are all very excited about this. We really are.

Thankful:  that I will be visiting my Dad soon. It will be so good to spend some time chatting and catching up. Love my Dad.

Thankful:  for all the projects I am making in the studio. Loving my new jewellery line. Loving my new tags. Loving the ideas that often keep me up late at night.

Thankful:  for the opportunity to make a cassowary costume for my 7 yr old son.  Sounds weird to be thankful but I haven't made one of these before and I am enjoying the challenge. It will be so much fun to see him doing the 'cassowary' dance at school.

Thankful:  that I have 2 parents who love and support me.

Thankful:  for 4 healthy delightful children who surround me with so much love I could burst. And also for a husband whose love and grace know no bounds. I love you all.


  1. Well it took me nearly an hour...but I worked it out!

    I am now an official follower, stalker, groupie of SOUL HOUSE.

    Thanks for sharing your thoughts and dreams on your blog. I always like to check what you are up to. It often gives me a much needed lift. Todays post especially has given me food for thought and made me think more about what I need to be thankful for instead of letting life in general overwhelm me and bring me down - Trying to float calmly instead of flailing my arms and failing miserably!

    Thank you for being so brave to be so honest!

    Lisa x

  2. Hi Lisa,
    you can stalk me any day.
