10 October 2012

Today I am...

Grateful ~ for the precious new friends I am making in the online class called 'Flying Lessons'. Just a treasure chest full of good, creative, clever, amazing women who want to see the good in life and in others. So refreshing.

Excited ~ about our up and coming trip to Tasmania. It had been a dream of Steve and I to travel there and explore such a glorious part of our country. And to take a kids there, is extra special. The tickets are booked, accommodation organised and our itinerary mapped out. With extras including time with good friends in Wagga, time in Melbourne and other famous landmarks along the way this will be a trip to remember. Now the count down begins ~ 11 weeks.

Eating ~ a yummy orange and enjoying my new healthy lease on life. After years of studying (therefore sitting and not much moving) I am using this time in my life to get moving again. Zumba and walking with 2 friends in the evenings has not only got my wobbly bits moving again but seen the added blessings of time spent with special people who encourage me.

Happy ~ that the kids have settled back into school after Spring holidays, wonderfully. It will be an exciting term for them all, especially Tom. With graduation from primary school looming closer, he is enjoying his involvement in school and all that comes with being school captain, editor of the school newspaper and preparation for graduation. A somewhat sad time for me as I grasp the concept of two children in high school and the swiftness my children are growing up.

Hoping ~ my new creative ventures continue to grow and be successful. With 2 canvas's sold yesterday in the little shop where some of my creations are for sale, it was a wonderful boast and gave added incentive to keep at it.

Remembering ~ the holidays we just had. Enjoying fun activities and exploring interesting places. Times of being together as a family of six but also sharing our time with family and friends. Being an introverted introvert, I can often be drained from being with people day in and day out. However these holidays somehow energized me in a way I haven't experienced for a while. Kind of weird really. Might ponder this further.


I hope you can find some space to consider, contemplate and ponder what is happening in and around you today. Feel free to share your thoughts in the comments or share a link to your blog. I'd love to hear about your today.

A scene from our recent holiday to Wash House Beach Rock Platform near Laurieton, NSW.



  1. Wonderful! So glad to be participating in Flying Lessons with so many remarkable and talented women!

  2. Thank you Robin. And you are corrent, there are many remarkable and talented women, including yourself. So grateful for the internet and ecourses. Thanks for stopping by. xx Jo

  3. thanks Joanne, I really enjoyed reading your post today. And congratulation on your painting sales!

  4. Thanks for the encouragement and for stopping by Janine. xx Jo

  5. Awesome photo! I feel as if I'm standing right there when I look at it!

    1. Thanks Shelly. The afternoon light made it an easy photo to capture.

  6. How exciting that not one but TWO paintings sold! It is so wonderful to sit back and watch you fly. Thank you for sharing little tidbits of your thoughts with us today. So nice to be part of Flying Lessons with you.

    1. Oh Michelle, you are just so encouraging. I LOVE being part of Flying Lessons with you too. I will be forever grateful for our group. Hopefully the beginnings of creative endeavours for us all but also lifelong friendships. xx Jo

  7. I'm back to say hi... And what I wanted to say before was that I loved the look of your little studio and if I lived close enough to come take a class from you, I'd be there is a heartbeat ...Your site looks great... good luck. I'm rooting for you !!
